Wednesday, January 15, 2014

After reading "Free the Goldfish" I think that animals should have representation in government ,because animals can feel pain and can have humane thoughts of love and grief.The inhumane act of trafficking illegal animals can affect many.The pain and the risk to the animals and humans. Trafficking can bring diseases and can be very harmful to humans such as the ebola outbreak caused by an illegally brought Zaire Monkey.
The pain that animals feel is unfair and their treatment can cause diseases to the way that they are killed or where there are . The inhumane treatment can cause break out of E.Coli. the trafficking of animals in various cases have caused environmental and  health issues.The Ebola outbreak could prevented because of ones unjustifiable put an innocent Zaire monkey in the into the wild while causes a huge health crisis. Bullfrogs that once used to remove bugs managed to bring another race to the brink of extinction.
Animals need protection from us and for our safety. All living things dont want to live just to be slaughtered. We should at least make this process less painful. No one should feel the excruciating pain of having your limbs chopped of our being shot in the head
In the book the Candymakers Money is a major part of the plot .This is because many of the main character are aiming for their candy to be produced worldwide . Daisy and Philip are main characters who aim for money. The author uses this initial greed to show their gradual change.
Logan and Miles are working to make the best candy and Daisy and Philip are
aiming to dominate the competition. They both realize a plot where the secret ingredient may be stolen. Daisy initially planning to steal it  shows character change when she protects the secret ingredient. Philip also show that his past greediness is no longer there when he learns his father's plan to  shut down the company.He actually stops the thief and bets with his father to stop  trying to run the company.

The money in the story was very important because it help show the change within the character because the author manages to show change very well. Money also was used to advance the  allowing philip to advance in the tournament and also managed to help